7 Types of Tenants
Landlording can be hard work because you’re dealing with both a dwelling and individuals. A lot of things can go wrong in a dwelling: plumbing breaks, air
Whoa, that’s a bold statement. Now let us back it up.
First of all, we are not like all the other “we buy houses fast” guys that I’m sure you’ve encountered online already. www.lmrtexasproperties.com is powered by the LMR Texas Properties Investment Team.
We are local, serving the Dallas-Fort Worth and surrounding communities.
Here’s Why:
Regardless of whether we buy your house or not, we want you to to walk away with a plan to deal with your financial situation. But everyone’s situation is unique and we want to make sure you’ve exhausted all YOUR choices.
*One of the best solutions may be for us to simply make the mortgage payments on your behalf, preserving your credit and allowing you to move on with your life
Give Us A Call Now At: 1 (800) 283-4416 or (682) 583-0535
Sometimes agents cannot sell your house. But we can always help.
And as a bonus…
The hassle of the traditional route can add time, stress, and expensive fees when you’re under pressure to sell your home fast. At LMR Texas Properties, we work differently.
Property owners just like you come to us every day for help in various kinds of scenarios. Foreclosure, divorce, rental property problems, a death in the family, and many other reasons. Plain and simple we have the ability to buy houses in the DFW and surrounding areas in multiple ways for a fair cash price. Life can easily get in the way of a home owner who is far to busy to take the time to do all of the things required to prepare a house to sell on the market… If that sounds like you, just share some basic information about the property you’d like to sell quickly
Our goal is to help make your life easier and get you out from under the property that’s stressing you out… while presenting every option so YOU can make the best decision for YOU.
Call us today: 1 (800) 283-4416 or (682) 583-0535
Landlording can be hard work because you’re dealing with both a dwelling and individuals. A lot of things can go wrong in a dwelling: plumbing breaks, air
One major result of the Coronavirus or COVID-19 pandemic is that countless homeowners are finding themselves unable to make their mortgage payments. Some 6.6 million
I worked for over 30 years in my past life for the Internal Revenue Service, involved in the collection or management of collection activities in